I mean Im not bragging or anything its just the fact the some of these guys stare at me (not like theyre giving me dirty looks) like and smile at me a lot. Im talking about guys who are like 17 to like 21. (im 13) And they touch me (not like in a bad way, like when theyre playing around or just do it randomly, like on the shoulder in such and im thinking, that was weird? this guy put his hands around my waste and wouldn't let go once. as i said im not bragging but ive been called gorgeous, exotic, beautiful but that has probably nothing to do with it. even this guy who is famous (cant say who) stares at me like that. can someone help me? if you are going to rant about how i am bragging then you're wasting your time.
*Sorry about all the spelling and grammar mistakes.
I look my age.
I also don't wear revealing clothes lol
and i dont see myself as attractive. at all.
I am 13 but why do some of the older guy like me?
The guys are pervs.
Be careful.
Reply:If you look your age like you say, then these guys are pervs so stay well away. And if you are gorgeous, like you say, know your worth and don't be impressed by these men just because they're older. They should know better so tell them to go get a girlfriend they're own age and stop pervin'. I would hunt down any older guy that was chatting up my daughter at that age.
Reply:wow. they must be perverted or something..... they're probably those freaks from that show dateline how to catch a predator on tv.
Reply:maybe its because they try to take advantage of u because of your age girls your age fall in love easy with wrong people (older guys). Its that or your just sexy and irroestiable.
Reply:Are your boobs big? they often have something to do with it. if not, they probably just wants to be friends with you and hang out with you..
Reply:i'm guessing most of them look at you in a way where they just want to rape you.
Reply:I am 13 aswell but dont think that they're gonna rape you like other ppl say. i look older. i look about 17! ignore them
Reply:i dunno sounds like you may need to let these guys know how old you are. i know attention is nice and i don't think it bothers you as much as you are trying to say it does because most women adore attention from men. perhaps you just have a high confidence level cuz i have noticed thats one thing that can turn a mans eye. and no confidence is not a bad thing but it can sometimes be interpreted the wrong way. maybe spending more time with people your age rather than older people would help the situation because if a guy saw you with a bunch of younger looking people he may not look at you as much if he realizes right away what age category you belong in. perhaps even if you don't wear revealing clothes you look a little bit older for your age and these guys may think you are more their age cuz i have seen thirteen year olds that i would of swore should be in college just by the way the dress and act and it wasn't because of revealing clothing it just seems to be the thing now to look older than you really are. and if you really don't like the extra attention tell them to quit looking!
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