Monday, November 16, 2009

Does my boss like me more than just an employee?

My boss always seems to joke around with me and touch me( not anywhere inappropriate) all the time.But he doesn't do it with any of the other employees. Does he want something more than just a professional relationship or am I just reading too much into it? If so what should I do? It wouldn't make me uncomfortable or anything and don't worry I am over the age of eighteen. I just don't know what to do if he does want something more.

Does my boss like me more than just an employee?
He does.
Reply:If he trieanything more it is sexual harassment.what he is doing now with the touoching could be considered sexual harasssment as well.You should ask personnel what the policy is.He could get fired for doing what he is doing.You could also ask him politely to stop since other employees might think something is going on when there isnt and any promotions or raises will get people saying things that arent true.Speak up and let him know that you feel uncomfortable because of his touching you no matter how innocent it is.

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