Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am 13 but why do older guys like me?

mean Im not bragging or anything its just the fact the some of these guys stare at me (not like theyre giving me dirty looks) like and smile at me a lot. Im talking about guys who are like 17 to like 22. (im 13) And they touch me (not like in a bad way, like when theyre playing around or just do it randomly, like on the shoulder in such and im thinking, that was weird? this guy put his hands around my waste and wouldn't let go once. as i said im not bragging but ive been called gorgeous, exotic, beautiful (not by guys)but that has probably nothing to do with it. even this guy who is famous (cant say who) stares at me like that. can someone help me? if you are going to rant about how i am bragging then you're wasting your time. also a guys around my age also do this

*Sorry about all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

I look my age.

I also don't wear revealing clothes lol

and i dont see myself as attractive. at all.


I am 13 but why do older guys like me?
well most older guys just prey on young girls to get what they want. that doesn't mean they like them. Older guys looks for maturity. 13 yr. is not enough.. they just see u as a target, as to get what they want. so just know what ur doing, and only date guys around your own age.
Reply:Yea older guys may do that. You probably are pretty like they think u r if theyre doin that. My first bf was 20yrs old. At work older people thought i was cute and even commented on it and acted like that. Some proably just want to have u becuase of how u look and if u have a good personality, so they may want to try to be the 1st for u. Older guys do act more mature than kids your age and know more, but if u can find a guy around ur age that can treat u right go for it. It would be horrible if an older guy used u, or hurt u and messed with ur mind. Im 15 and i dated older guys for a bit, but im just waiting right now. Theres this kid my age im not sure if i like him so ill see what happens. Good luck.
Reply:you are a fast little girl. and i hope u r using condoms
Reply:they could like you and like what they see for the most part its hard to say anyones intentions or the obvious they want to do things with you or try to be the 1st and im just keeping it real not sugar coating anything

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