Saturday, November 14, 2009

Would this be a critical point where you remembered your Father?

................My Father's Little Girl

Morning came long before the dew, the frost....

And morning came long before my Father...

He would never have allowed the frost to

Touch me...not my Father's mornings...

Can I ever go back to his warm mornings

By the ceramic, floor heaters...if I could...

Yes, my Father, I would wrap you in my

Blankets, not let the cold in, not trouble

Your knees, legs...heart. Never.

But once, and only once, I saw my Father

Tremble, shiver...I was seven, and I had

No sight of it ever again...his anger.

His little girl had one knew...

He did. Wrapped me in a blanket...

Needles...I.V.'s...oxygen tent...way back


You see, my Father is a hero...not for the

Simplicity of understanding...but, by far...

His love of his little girl...his magnificent


This Yellow Rose is

For his heart.

Picture of a man

Holding a little girls hand.

Yellow petals fall.


Would this be a critical point where you remembered your Father?
Very sweet. Father would be so proud. My daughter gave me a framed picture of she and I, and inscribed on the chrome frame "Daddy's Girl". I was touched.
Reply:I watched my fathers heart break, I have always wanted to be the one to repair it. I will always be his Lil chickadee and he will always be perfect with all the answers. Yes, he is human, but to me hes daddy, the only human to never abandon me, even when he should have....
Reply:That was beautiful, i had to reach over and hug my girls.....hoping they think of me the same way =)
Reply:This is so lovely Elysabeth. Thank you for sharing.
Reply:I was very touched Elysabeth, and full of feelings (envious in a good way), you are truly blessed to know your Father's love for you. I am sure he is equally proud of you.
Reply:That is so neat it gave me goosebumps. Wish my dad had that kind of love for me. But at least my Heavenly Father does.
Reply:My Father passed some years Back, but I was Daddy's Little Girl and I wrote a Song for my Dad-then My Mum got Mad and I had to write one for her also.

My Dad was My hero-Not Like the World's Kind of Hero-but he was and will always remain My Hero.People did not always see the Person I saw. I love anything about Fathers.

Very Nice. Very Sweet.
Reply:The poem is beautiful, the sentiment is so lovely; this poem is a wonderful tribute to your father.

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