Thursday, November 12, 2009

I need someone to be there for me but anyone I go to wants something from me?

So I feel lost. I just want to go to someone who is my friend. Not someone who wants something in return. Everyone I talk to seems to want something in return. I am not going to lie, I am a beautiful girl and I meet sweet guys but seriously can someone not want to be in love with me, not want to touch me, not want to kiss me, not want to make love, not want a penny in returns ...........

Then my parents want tons of things from me. They want me to move back to their town. I am but that is not the point.

What to do?

I need someone to be there for me but anyone I go to wants something from me?
It sounds like you need good GIRL friends. Sure, guys are going to be sweet to a girl that's HOT and gorgeous. BUT --- to have really great heart-to-hearts with someone who will not want SOMETHING except friendship in return --- you've gotta start making really great GIRL buddies.

Reply:it would be easier to get some friends that are girls or get some gay guy friends.

but yes, you can be just friends with a straight guy. The only problem is most straight guys don't want to talk about the type of things you sound like you want to talk about. Unless you have been friends for a long time, guys don't want to hear about your problems unless they think they are getting some *** later. If you start getting into deep conversation with a guy you just met you can bet he looking for more, otherwise he would not be interested.
Reply:well if u want i can be ur chat friend. i dont want nothing from u sep to forgive me for my bad spelling
Reply:first of all this guy over me also wants something from you, just that he is trying to chat with you first, you need to find sometthing that will keep your mind busy, not a bf, so far, the one for you will find you soon, but dont try to get the protective blankit around, that is a sign of weakness, be strong you are the only one who can help you for now.
Reply:Wait a minute. You want people to listen to you, but you don't want to deal with their issues? Is this what I am reading? You want something from them, don't you? Time, attention, comforting. If you want something from them %26amp; don't want to give anything back, forget it. To get a friend, BE A FRIEND. If you don't want guys to treat like a sex object, don't act like one. If you just want someone to talk to %26amp; have a ***** fit with, call a psychiatrist %26amp; make a weekly appointment. They might even help you with your prima donna attitude issue
Reply:others will only take advantage of you and get things if you let them! These people use the fact that they think you need them! Talk to a pastor or even your parents, an aunt, cousin, anyone who can't use sex as payback for giving you friendship! guess what? they are using your low self esteem to benefit them and aren't friends at all!
Reply:I think you need a dose of reality why should someone do something for you for nothing? why should someone allow you to use them as a friend? and as a guy I say why should i be the one you use and some loser guy come alone and get the pleasure of kissing you and touching you and I get a ear full of the left over mess. sorry dear if you didn't think you were so pretty and beautiful maybe you would realize no one owes you anything not even friendship you have to earn it and earn it with something other then your looks.
Reply:You are living in a world of fantasy created by yourself. You want everything from others, but you don't want to give them anything. This way, you will never be happy in life. You get real happiness, only when you give love to others. If you keep looking for others to just give you what you need, your case is most miserable. Beauty means nothing, as it does not last lifelong; what lasts is one's inner personality. Try to be good from inside.

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