Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am 13 but why do some of the older guys like me?

mean Im not bragging or anything its just the fact the some of these guys stare at me (not like theyre giving me dirty looks) like and smile at me a lot. Im talking about guys who are like 17 to like 21. (im 13) And they touch me (not like in a bad way, like when theyre playing around or just do it randomly, like on the shoulder in such and im thinking, that was weird? this guy put his hands around my waste and wouldn't let go once. as i said im not bragging but ive been called gorgeous, exotic, beautiful but that has probably nothing to do with it. even this guy who is famous (cant say who) stares at me like that. can someone help me? if you are going to rant about how i am bragging then you're wasting your time. also a guys around my age also do this

*Sorry about all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

I look my age.

I also don't wear revealing clothes lol

and i dont see myself as attractive. at all.


I am 13 but why do some of the older guys like me?
Because your not older and jaded, they can still sweet talk you.
Reply:Older guys/guys in general like you because you may look your age but you probably don't act your age. They know/think they know they can get something from you. (Most likely sexual). Maybe it's not your fault but even if you are 13 but give off the whole "I like to act like a woman" vibe older guys will be interested.
Reply:Wonderfull age, many things you will start finding different from now onwords. I feel you are too young to deal with such naughty guys who may bring irrepairable troubles once life if your encourage them! Its better to warn them and tell to behave decently or inform your parents. Be open with your parents, elder siblings. Pray this subject before God, study well to build your future. Regards
Reply:You may not see yourself as attractive but it sounds like your very pretty. They see it and they take notice of it. Plus it sounds like you act like yourself which alot of people like. Your not fake.

when I was your age i went through the same thing. Except sometimes older men would pursue me and it became very awkward and scary. BE CAREFUL. I think most guys wouldn't hurt you but you have to be careful.
Reply:Your age is perfect for any guy to stare at you. You may be beautiful and sexy for them. There is nothing surprising in this. Guys, who do not have control over their mind, stares at girls as if they would like to eat them up! So, cheer up as you got an attractive face and body.
Reply:you probably developed quick. look if you are so concern why don't you tell them to stop. then again maybe you like older guys looking at you and saying your sexy it makes you feel good about yourself. but older touching by the waist kinda going to far f**king pervs
Reply:You are evidently encouraging them and are giving them the impression you are older than you are. Sort of a 13 going on 22 situation.

I suggest you cool it and keep your panties pulled up before you get in over your head and wake up pregnant.
Reply:Maybe some are actually just being friendly but maybe you have the easy to get. aura. Sometimes you may think something is innocent but it seems like you really like the attention. Be caeful.
Reply:IF you are anything like the name you use under your avatar it says it all. Start acting your age unless you want to get a reputation.
Reply:Men will always be Men.....

Just be careful that's all i can say ........

Men tend to say nice things just to jump in the sack with you....

I Know its nice to get compliments or in your case Lots of them but Please try not to take them serious
Reply:hunny if your only 13 and these older guys are going for you and you say you look your age then STAY AWAY they are being very inappropriate
Reply:because you are young and beautiful .you are growing and your harmones must be changing , perople like to stair grown girls. your body parts must also be grown which make you look beautiful and sexy
Reply:Its probably because they think you're cute =D
Reply:I am also 13 bu i have to say those lads just do that either becuse they find you attractive or they are just messing around

PS: i know i am a boy
Reply:Ummmm, not many answers, because perhaps nobody is interested???
Reply:They like you because they are pedophiles and stalkers!
Reply:Well I guess you have that 'look' that guys trust...

Be grateful about it but as you clearly mentioned... 'Don't brag'

Some girls I know wsh to be in your position. Please don't deceive with your look.. :-)
Reply:They want to pluck the fruit on the tree before it falls to earth.
Reply:ok yeah

what you're doing; thats bragging.

every girl gets hit on by guys, simple as that.
Reply:You are sending out signals that are going to get you and someone else into trouble.
Reply:My guess is because there are so many perverted men out there that like little girls and probably slapped the hell out of a few women with their hand making them cry...thats funny
Reply:Ignore those creepy people they just want to touch you and get in you.
Reply:just tell them you're aged and if they keep on doing those sort of thing tell you're mum and dad!
Reply:Tell them you're 13.
Reply:Maybe you look older than you are. I remember when I was 14, I looked more like 24 and I got hit on a lot, even by men in their 40s and 50s! I did my best to wear cutesy outfits like sweaters with teady bears and just regular jeans, no make up, etc. but didn't change a thing. And if you have gone through puberty at all, most people probably cannot tell your age.

If any of them ask,do be honest about your age or you could get into a whole lot of trouble fast!
Reply:hi i have a step daughter shes 14 but when she was 13 i walked down the road with her and people used to whistle at her i didn't no where to look I'm 29 i told her to stay away from older guys these boys where about 20 because there only after one thing luckily she has listen to me so you cant help it if your a beautiful young lady but stay away from older guys because there very convincing and would want you to do all sorts of things so listen babes live your we life stay away from them boys and be happy


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