Saturday, November 14, 2009

Does He like me???

He... makes fun of me then smiles/ He acts like nothing hurts him (when he got into a fight last week he PRETENDED it didnt hurt and it did lol i could tell) and he smiles at me ALOT/ He always wants to touch me (NOT THAT WAY!!!) lol/ he always wants to get into PLAY fights and were in the 8th grade so thats kinda weird lol/ When Im wit my friends he always wants to scare me by sneaking behind me lol and a bunch of other crap and Ive known him since 4th grade so thats 4 years wow and we know eachother like BRO/SIS.

So does he like me??? Put your answer and if you could EXPLAIN why? Thank you -Casey

Does He like me???
Well, when you spend time with someone, which you guys obviously have, you reach a certain state of a relationship taht cant come from a short period of time. Over time he probably got to get to know you better and now he has different types of feelings for you. I believe he likes you, b/c thats typical middle school flirting, and if a guy is messing around with you and you know him that well, most likely he likes you. GOod Luck!
Reply:o ya he likes you much more than a friend it always just starts off like that

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