Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which 1 wud u prefer...???...:)?

girls....imagine u r guys...

n guys ...well just ans..

which 1 wud u pick for a date:

1. Ms sugar sweet

2. Ms best frnd

3. Ms equality/feminist

4.Ms sexy *****

5. Ms touch-me-not.... :p

Which 1 wud u prefer...???...:)?
i'm a girl, but i can't imagine a guy wanting a:


or #3 so i'm no sure why those are even on there.

i guess number 2...

is what i look for in a guy.
Reply:1 and 4 eaqually balanced
Reply:i have no idea what u are on about? but well being a girl i would choose number 3 but imagining being a guy i would choose number 1

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