Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.
John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
Isn't the theif on the cross still dormant in his grave?
True. The paradise Jesus was referring to was the earth restored to the paradise. Otherwise, did Jesus lie when he said those words? Jesus did not ascend to heaven for many days after he died. Did the thief join Jesus in paradise on that very day? No, he lies asleep in the grave until the resurrection to the paradise earth.
Reply:No, the thief soul went with Christ to paridise part of hell when christ was crucified, %26amp; then when Christ rose from the dead that thief on the cross also arose with christ, because that thief still died as one that was under the law to a certaion point But yet was under grace, because the final step of salvation has not yet been completed until the Holy Ghost was given. So when Christ rose from the dead the bible says %26amp; that the graves were opened, Those other graves were all the OT saints. So since salvation come in 3 steps, Repentance, Water baptism %26amp; Baptism of the Holy Ghost which is the completeness of the New Birth, then that thief died under the period of changeover of the law age %26amp; the grace age. Therefore he is now in parides part in heaven.
Reply:You are right on all counts.
Hannah J Paul
Reply:You are right- Jesus would not have contradicted in his teaching- The thief is still buried.- however Christ forgave his transgressions- therefore- once the thief died..he won't know anything- till the Resurrection- when he sees Christ come again...
Reply:It depends on where one adds the apostrophe. I have a Greek - English NT here that has the thief going that day.
Reply:That's a question for a greek scholar, but I can theorize the answer for you.
Once you die you exit this world of time and space. This means that you are not held down to the confines of time. If he is not held down to the confinement of time, then your question isn't applicable to him.
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