Thursday, November 12, 2009

Did the thief on the cross go to Heaven with Jesus the same day he died ?

Jesus preached to spirits in prison be fore he rose on the third day.see 1peter3:19,4:6.Jesus told mary touch me not for i have not yet ascended to my Father.john 20:17.latter Jesus tells thomas handle me and see that i am flesh and bone,showing that he must have ascended after he first was seen by mary.John 20:17.the word shows us that Jesus did not ascened,untill some time after His there is no way the thief was with him the day of his death in Heaven. what most don't understand, is Jesus said,I tell you today. Shall thou be with me in paradise.not meaning that he was going there that exact day.but,he was given the knoweledge,that day.but he will have to wait untill the first resurrection,rev 20:4-6.also the day ended when the sun went down.gen 1:5,13.the thief was not even dead that day.john19:31-33.those who die in Jesus Christ sleep untill the first resurrection rev20:4-6. 1corinthians 15:49-52.john 11:23-24.The word is clear. peace.

Did the thief on the cross go to Heaven with Jesus the same day he died ?
Actually no one will go to Heaven until the judgement day.

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world...Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels...And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Matt 25:31-34, 41, 46)
Reply:i have never in my life heard so many stupid answers to this question .

the answer can and only will come from the holy ghost and men and women who are filled with the holy spirit will state the facts of what happened.

so lets watch and see what happened. god is not hard to find out for if god did not tell us[ his children] things made simple to understand then we would get lost in the word of god.

remember gods word always were for BABES SUCH AS WOULD LEARN.not for the heady high minded eg dr of divinity bishops popes -both catholic and protestant popes all that have phd's ALL who learnt in schools of theologies god does not send his children to school WHY for he jesus said I personal pronoune one god the spirit shall be with you even in you until the end of the world so jesus was in the poeple as HE AND HE ALONE SAID HE WOULD BE.

so if that same spirit that rose jesus from the dead be in us it shall raise us with him in a glorious body.if the trinitarians say there are 3 in 1 god then the above statement absolutly tells them they are liars for there is one god not 3 persons in one god thats from the pits of HELL it came out of rome 325ad at the treaty lets look at the statement jesus said. and what he said he meant for god is not a liar nor the son of man that he should repent.WHERE WAS PARIDISE it was in the heart of the earth it was also called abrahams bossom -also it was only for those who died in faith- so this thief and murderer went to paradise like lasarus did and the rich man went to hell== and the rich man lifted up his head and cried father abraham send lasarus now and let him dip his finger in water to touch my touge for i am in torment in this FLAME

=ABRAHAM SAID NO i will not send him and even if i would theres a great gulf fixed between us= you cant come here and he cant go there ==NOW WATCH THE LORD JESUS. it states he went down to hell to preach to the souls that were in prison god did not go down to hell in a body of flesh and bone he took another body ==its called a theotheny . did paul not write about this ==you better believe he did if this earthly tabernacle be destroyed we have one waiting on us to enter.

wath did jesus do when he took the keys off satan he rose and gave those keys to the church that they alone would have authority over satan and his angles not the catholic church she is a whore not the protestant church she is a whore like mother like daughter both filthy .so when jesus rose from the dead did he not raise also abraham and the thief and murderer OF COURSE HE DID.

LET THE LORD GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH THE HOLY GHOST SAY TO YOU ALL==there was a resurection that happened for the scripture states that the graves where opened and many of the dead saints rose and appeared unto many ==let those who believe in soul sleep know= that this one portion of scripture makes them liars and no liar will enter heaven there is no such thing as soul sleep-- there was a resurection of the old testament church THATS THUS SAITH THE LORD . call that wrong and you will be found liars the scriptures interpretate them selves its god who reveals to ever he the words of jesus are true= he lead captivity captive and gave gifts onto men what gifts== they where the spiritual 9 gifts the true church recived of his hand . the keys the authority over satan SIMPLE. WHERE DID HE TAKE THOSE WHO ROSE FROM THE DEAD THOSE WHO CAME OUT OF THE GRAVES AND WHERE SEEN OF MANY THE SPACE OF 40 DAYS? WHEN HE ROSE TO HEAVEN THEY ROSE TO HEAVEN ALSO/ jesus said behold i make all things new.

brothers sisters i would pray that you would also be as i am except this body of flesh that doth hinder me.i pray you make it home.

one last thing ask any JEW where the trinity doctrine came from and the answer will alway be ROME .

Reply:Since God Almighty is Christ Jesus in ALL His Glory, what Jesus said to the thief was a factual statement. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and yet God Almighty still resides in heaven. You need to understand the concept of the Trinity before this makes any sense to you. The Thief went to heaven and is having fellowship with God Almighty, while Christ Jesus is on earth reconciling us to God. The Old Testament Scriptures state that "No man can see the face of God and live" If God would have come to earth in ALL His Glory, every living thing would have perished. This is why He chose to come in human form, something we could more easily understand and not be afraid of. Remember how frightened the apostles were when Jesus walked past their boat on top of the water? This was God Almighty as His earthly manifestation to us. Can you imagine how terrified we would all be if God Almighty came here in ALL His Glory?

This is why Jesus says He is the only way to the Father. If we cannot accept or understand Him. How can we accept or understand Him in All His Glory. This is why He came to us in flesh, while still remaining in heaven as God Almighty, who we will only see in His fully glorified state when we see Him in heaven. I hope this helps clarify the subject for you. God Bless You....Peace.
Reply:if the thief steals from the rich and give to the poors yes he go to heaven. If the thieft steals for his selfish needs or steals form the poor and misfortune no he don't go to heaven.
Reply:God told him that he will be with Him in paradise...

...the worst of the worst saved at the very last moment
Reply:About three hours before Jesus dies on a torture stake, he talks about Paradise to a man on a stake next to him. The man is being put to death for crimes he has committed. But as this criminal watches Jesus and hears what is said about Him, he begins to believe in Jesus. This person could not go to Heaven, because he was being put to death for a crime befitting death, nor was he a follower of Jesus, nor had he been baptized.

That man did not qualify to rule with Jesus in heaven. He is not included among those to whom Jesus said: “You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom.”

The criminal says: “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” Jesus answers: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.” What does Jesus mean when he says this? Where is Paradise? Think about it. Where was Paradise to begin with? Remember, God gave the first man, Adam, and his wife a paradise to live in right here on this earth. It was called the garden of Eden.

So when we read of that criminal being in Paradise, we should picture in our minds this earth made into a beautiful place to live. Before the criminal talked to Jesus, did he know about God’s purposes? No, he didn’t. He did bad things because he didn’t know the truth about God. In Paradise he will be taught about God’s purposes. Then he will have the opportunity to prove that he really does love God by doing His will.

Did Jesus mean that the thief would go to heaven with him? No.

The evildoer would not have even entertained that idea. Why not? Because he would probably have been familiar with passages in the Hebrew Scriptures, which existed in his day, such as the first part of Psalm 37:29: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth.” Jesus taught that same truth, declaring: “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5) This scripture harmonizes with what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer, which states: “Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.”
Reply:Catholics believe that there are two kind of holy judgment. The first, which is referred to as "particular judgment" occurs at the moment of death and that particular person is immediately judged and his soul goes immediately to either of the three afterlife destinations (heaven, hell or purgatory) that the religion posits. The second judgment is the "general judgment" in which everybody is judged and is assigned his afterlife destination. At his judgment the spirit is reunited with its physical body (referred to as "glorified body" for those that go to heaven).

Non-Catholic Christians believe that there is only one judgment - the general judgement. Both sides ultimately focus their arguments on the crucifixation episode where Jesus is is claimed to have said to the repentant thief "Verily I say unto you today you shall be with me in paradise".

To be grammatically correct, there has to be a comma in the sentence. There are two possible locations. The first location is between "you" and "today" so that the sentence will; read

"Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise."

This version of the sentence specifies when the meeting in paradise will occur, and that is the day of their death.

Non-Catholics believe the comma should be located between

"today" and "you" so that the sentence reads "Verily I say unto you today, you shall be with me in paradise." In this version of the sentence, "today" merely specify when the promise was made, not when the promise will be realized.

Get your bible and see where the comma is. Or get one where the comma is located where you want it to be.
Reply:At the end of the day, I don't think it really matters. The most important thing is that the "good thief" did get to Heaven. It doesn't matter WHEN he got there. It just matters that he did.

The "good thief," identified by the Catholic Church as St. .Dismas, is the only person in the Gospels to whom Jesus ever personally promised salvation. Him of all people. It tells us plenty on how powerful faith is.

Reply:from what I have read about that scripture , Jesus specifically told the man that " today you shall be in paradise with me" , so if He said it , He meant it.Another thing to consider is that Jesus was God in the form of man, so if Jesus didn't go to heaven right then , God was still there on the throne and the word says that He and the Father are one, so technically it may have been possible. Another thing to consider is that God is outside of time and space and He also mentioned that a" thousand years is like a day "for Him , so He could have said today , but in His eyes , seen it another way! Your question was a very good one! It made me think. It is good that we all have questions and hunger for answers. I think most importantly you should seek the scriptures PRAYERFULLY and ask God Himself to show you . He will be the one who should get the reward of "best answer"!

God Bless you!
Reply:Luke 23:43 He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." (NAB)

Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." (KJV)

Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, " I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." (NIV)

The key to this answer is in verse 46.

Luke 23:44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. 46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, FATHER, INTO THY HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.(KJV)

The physical body of the person in question, the criminal that Jesus spoke of died but his spirit along with the spirit of Jesus which was of God went up into heaven that day. Jesus however being from God entered into sheol to free those that were in "Abraham's Bosum."(Luke:16:22) People seem to loose sight of the fact that with God all things are possible. The resurrection in the Book of Revelation are those that have died in the name of Jesus. Martyrs that have died since the ascension of Christ, meaning those that died from being believers. From Stephen(Acts 7:60) until now have not gone to sheol of old but in a sense are physically dead or sleeping from life. The physical body is a vessel for the spirit and soul, when a person dies the body exterminates. The spirit thus belongs to the spiritual realm.
Reply:that just means their bodies sleep until the Resurrection, but their souls go to heaven or hell. to be out of the body is to be with God. the body after death is just a hollow shell, because without the soul there is no life in it. and at Resurrection the body is united with the soul again in a perfect state.
Reply:There is no time in Eternity. Time is the measure of change or motion. What Jesus promised the thief was entry into glory forgiven of all sin because of his profession of Faith in Jesus. The theif would not change (or need to) any more because now he was in Christ, hence a new creation. Some of the confusion may have to do with the bodily resurrection of Jesus which took place on the Third Day. Jesus(and the thief) would have been in the presence of the Father at once but without their resurrected bodies. When Jesus rose on Easter Sunday it was his soul being reunited with his body which had been in the tomb.

He entered human time again. He stayed with his disciples forty days to strengthen their faith in his resurrection and to constitute them as witnesses of his redemption. One day ended in Hebrew terminology at sunset but the new day was counted from sunset as well.Jews observe Sabbath from Friday evening. Paul says that when Jesus entered into Glory he was accompanied by a great host of those who had previously fallen asleep. The thief would have been among the glorified. The resurrection of the bodies of all humanity will take place when Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead on the last day. When scripture says that Jesus preached to the spirits in prison this refers to those in the Limbo of the Ancestors where the saints of the Old Testament time waited until Jesus opened the Gates of Heaven. The Creed of the Church speaks of Jesus descending into Hell or to the Dead in reference to this. However the full glorification of the body of every righteous person will take place at the end of time.
Reply:jesus didnt go to heaven that day...he went into the grave for 3 days and then when he was ressurected he spent 40 days on earth before he went to heaven.
Reply:you know i never thought of this but is it possible the thief stole jesus from the tomb and that is why they couldnt find him
Reply:your funny yet so wrong

Jesus said this day shalt though be with me in paradise

since Jesus is God upon death he was restricted to his body just like the dying theif that had repented to be born again in Jesus-thus they went to paradise together, in spirit to get the x thief saved by the grace of Jesus his temporary body till the ressurection.

simple as that-but when one doesnt want to believe in salvation then everything is just whatever

this worked for me to know Jesus as my savior best friend and Messiah as I am born a Jew and its so wonderfull=amazing grace that saved me =John 3 repented of my sins, let Jesus in to be my savior and best friend, amen.

have a great day, and do it the special way=Jesus, David
Reply:yes,he was promised by jesus
Reply:In the first place, where do you think is Paradise when it was first mentioned in the Bible? It's none other than the very earth that Adam and Eve were created to settle in. So, when Jesus told the thief that he would be in paradise with him, Jesus meant the future paradise on earth. And when does the earth become a paradise again? When Armageddon is over and when God brings His kingdom to earth and transform it into a paradise again with His original purpose, i.e. eternal life and perfection.
Reply:It seems to me that the criminal was already paying for his crimes. They would both be shedding their earthly bodies to become heavenly spirits. Jesus was reassuring him that all will be well for him. Sure, they were both going to the same place on the same day with a clean slate. Jesus especially because he had fulfilled his mission faithfully and was innocent. The theif had a good heart as Jesus message appealed to him. If he wasn't good, I don't think Jesus would have reassured him.

Oh yeah, did he go to heavan and then return to Earth temporarily? Would you believe me if I told you that he did? Probably not. Why ask if you already know the answer? Hey your a JW! O No! I'm not supposed to talk to you! Bye!

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