Thursday, November 12, 2009

Men please... Help me determine what this dude was thinking....?

I met this guy one day, he was in his truck, had some friends and family (all guys) with him. He didnt come to me with the typical "whats up" game.. just asked where I was going, coming from.. casual convo.... We exchanged numbers... He would come pick me up, we'd drive around...he'd get us stuff to eat.... One day in the middle of a drive, he pulled over and got me some flowers... very sweet.... We went to his house, chilled, watched tv... this went on about 3-4 times a week for about 3-4mos. THIS DUDE NEVER EVEN TRIED TO TOUCH ME. Not in a romantic way, flirting way... nothing. He would come get me after he got off work and we'd go all night until like 2am or so, bring me home.. repeat again throughout the week...

WHAT WAS THAT? Was he not interested, just bored.... I have never known what to make out of that whole situation. I was 23 at the time and he was 27... so not teenage stuff.... I have no clue what to even classify that as... what would you call it? Serious suggestions pls

Men please... Help me determine what this dude was thinking....?
Some of us are cool like that. He's probably sexually involved w/ another female. No I don't think he's gay. Females always think guys who don't jump their bones at the 1st op have something wrong.

Not so, some guys are just very smooooooth.
Reply:Anytime Report It

Reply:i think he was waiting for some signals from you, you know like clearing an airplane to land those shiney orange cones, glowing mesmorizing your can barely land the 747 because you are caught up in the beauty. 100% sure he was afraid you werent interested. make a move, or say something

booma boom!!
Reply:this guy really likes you and dosen't want to offend you in any way and he's trying to be as gentleman as possible. He really wants to respect you. give the guy a chance

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