Thursday, November 12, 2009

Am I mentally ill?

I'm afraid of people touching me. Not of being hurt or such, just being touched and it takes a very long time for me to become confortable with some one touching me, even though I have impulses and tendencies to touch people. I always sleep bad. I am constantly nervous, afraid, and tense. I have many phobias, some OCD tendencies, and sometimes I rock back and forth for no reason. My moods are horrible. I am usually very unhappy, but have occasional "up days" where my happiness is almost unhuman. These happy moods take very little to be completely destroyed. The same can go for my bad moods; sometimes they can be turned completely around by almost nothing at all. I randomly become nervous for no reason and sometimes I'll start shaking. Sometimes I am burning up and yet I shiver and get goosebumps. I fidget and handle any jewelry that I'm wearing constantly. I'm afraid to meet most people's eyes. I have several phobias and can be very jumpy. Could any of this mean I'm metally ill?

Am I mentally ill?
I get the same feelings all the time. Although, its been going on for about 4-5 years now.

I've grown use to it mostly. I feel I need some kinda medication but I believe it all turns out to be depression and anxiety.

Nothing too bad about it really. I mean, depression is usually caused by stress or over thinking. Thats how I see it anyways.

The fact is...there may be something wrong with you, but thats who you are. You cant rely on others to know exactly how you feel or what you think.

Its who you are, if it gets difficult at times...which tends to happen to me, I would seek some kinda medication. I mean...I myself would just like to feel normal sometimes without all of these feelings.
Reply:You have many symptoms. I don't think you should take what anyone here is going to diagnose you as having too serious. You really should seek professional help. You have some symptoms that seem almost bipolar but there are also some anxiety disorder symptoms too. Your best line of defense is to see a psychiatrist. They can give medication (if needed) and they are also great to help you sort things out.
Reply:Hi there! You are perfectly normal. Don't think too much about your self, start cocentrating on your work/studies. I think all you need is good friends, make lotta friends - you'll feel much much better!
Reply:it souds like you are bi-polar and are manic deppressive.....u need to see a therapist
Reply:its called bi-polar sweet cheeks!
Reply:I agree partly with heman, you need to focus more on other things, but have you been checked for a chemical imbalance? It is treated with a simple perscription, or you could just be lacking an important vitamin, go see a doctor they will be able to help you Good luck!
Reply:yes, you are even dangerous and should be isolated of the toilet
Reply:writing such a stuff means you ARE mentally ill.

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