Sunday, April 26, 2009

I was wondering if people prefer buying art dolls on a base or background.?

I was wondering if people prefer buying art dolls on a base or background.A doll on a base/background basically it's on a wooden base with decorations,sort of like her own little environment.

And I doll without a base or background is basically just the doll by itself on a stand or just sitting all by itself.

I always make dolls without a base/background,but I was just curious as to what art doll collectors prefer.

I feel like at times the background with a doll makes it feel sort of touch me not and make them more of a sculpture then a "doll",because dolls in a background are normally made to be in a set fixed position and can't be moves or even picked up out of the background.

I always think of a doll,even a expensive art doll as something that can be picked up and that at least the arms and legs can be moved into different positions.

I was just wondering on what some other folks think about bases/background vs dolls without bases or backgrounds.

I was wondering if people prefer buying art dolls on a base or background.?
without a base/background is my preference because one can always add a background if desired for some special event or showing. One can always change the doll's attire and then add a background, for a showing as desired. One pays for the ready or included background. Why? Limits one's selectionability for just the doll does it not?

The doll is what is important. Put your $$ into that and not pay for an included background until you need such AND then make it yourself to suit.

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