Sunday, April 26, 2009

I started dating someone that is not as affectionate as I am, He says he's a "touch me not".?

Does anyone have any advise on how to make him appreciate it. If I don't act interested in him he wants to know whats wrong with me. I'm confused, Please help

I started dating someone that is not as affectionate as I am, He says he's a "touch me not".?
Gently ease him into touching. Give him a hug now and then (at least 3x per week), then more often. Add more, and eventually he'll get into it. I did the same thing with my man, and now he can barely keep his hands off me, even in front of my parents!

Best Wishes,

Reply:Sadly there is a lot of emotionally crippled people out there. Some times due to a trauma or by knowing someone that were hurt by showing their feelings. Some times they are just raised that way. He needs counseling. Be careful, don't let him hurt your feelings.

He definitely needs help

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