Saturday, May 15, 2010

Help im too nice to tell him to leave me alone>?!?

he is always touching me and joking with me, and comenting my hair, and always tries to sit near me. please take note i dont like him.! btw i dont know why he would like me im pretty small and hes really big. (tall strong) why would he like wimpy little me? also im in 9th grade and hes a senior. um what do i do i dont like him and hes always touching me (not perverted ways) lol

Help im too nice to tell him to leave me alone%26gt;?!?
don't let people touch you if it makes you uncomfortable.

perhaps it's an awkward age for you right now. but as a woman i am saying you need to stand up for yourself. you don't have to be rude about it or hurt his feelings.i would prolly take him aside, definitely don't discuss it in front of others, as it may embarrass him.
Reply:I can understand why you would be uncomfortable as a ninth grader saying something to a senior especially since he is your friend's brother. It will be awkward and you might risk losing a friend.

When you fail to tell him no in a nice way, you end up encouraging him. When guys like a girl, they unfortunately may not realize that she is uncomfortable. So you help yourself when you are able to say no.

You can do this in a nice way. Something like "I don't want to offend you, but I'm really uncomfortable with you touching me." let's him know how you feel. If he is offended by it, then he has a problem. If he ignores you, then he is harassing you and you need to involve the authorities.

However, there are two other issues. First, does it bother you that he is a senior? I don't know him and therefore hesitate to judge him. But my "father" alarms would go off with a senior being interested in a ninth grader.

Secondly, there's your friend. I would simply ask her about what her brother is doing. Is he wanting to be a friend? Does he think you look lonely there and he is simply trying to be nice? I don't know the answer. If she has a good relationship with her brother, she might be willing to kindly ask him to stop.

But if nothing works, you should report it to the principal. There is no reason a young lady should be touched by anyone if she doesn't want to be.

Pastor John
Reply:It's not 'niceness' that prevents you from telling him to leave you alone, it's fear and weakness. If you don't tell him, then you're going to continue being victimized. If you don't want to appear 'mean', just tell him nicely: "Please don't touch me anymore, it makes me uncomfortable. Thanks!"

As for your size, it makes NO difference to boys. If they think you're cute, size doesn't matter.
Reply:He still shouldn't be touching you in any way. Tell your school administrators to have a talk with him OR tell your BIG Brother to have a talk with him OR tell him yourself to leave you alone. Any of them should work.
Reply:Tell your brother his friend likes you.

Your brother will take care of the problem.

And you're going to have to learn to be a lot more assertive.
Reply:You must be sending him mixed signals. Don't indicate you like it if you don't. When he touches you, back away slightly. Don't encourage conversation with him. You can be nice but not lead him on at the same time.
Reply:If you dont like him messing around like that you should let him know, ask if he likes you and make it clear that you only care for him as a friend.
Reply:Well you might use your head and confide in your friend about it and your friend should be able to help straighten out their brother.
Reply:punch him in the face.
Reply:If you're not saying what you mean then who's fault is it if someone else doesn't know?
Reply:Get un-nice, or get used to his advances.
Reply:how about you tell him what you just told us. If you do not set boundaries about being touched he may say later that you have a purdy mouth,.
Reply:Look him straight in the eye and say:

"In your dreams, muthafukka!"

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